What video card is recommended for a Samsung LC49RG90SSUXEN 49" monitor
I am putting a sim rig together and want to use a Later Samsung 49" monitor with 5120x 1440with 120 HZ specs.Before i buy a pc to run this i wondered what card i would need. Any of them. 5120x1440 is 7.3 megapixels so within the output capabilities of every card from the last few years. I haven't looked up the exact bandwidth but it's low enough I'd expect it to be less than 3840x2160, aka TV 4K, and compatible with any card that supports that.
If you're talking about something like a flight sim or race sim then rendering the game at 7.3 megapixels will likely be a bigger restriction on your choice of card than the ability to output the picture to your screen. Thanks.
Don'tknow which way to go now as being for a sim I could go x3 27inch monitors or wouldthat still give me the same result.
Slow on this ,I have beenon consoles for years and lost touch! 49" 32:9 is the same as two 27" 16:9 screens side by side, so it's the same height but a third narrower than 3x27".
Generally the only thing the computer cares about is resolution, physical size isn't relevant to the other specs. So the game that'srunning is what needs a more expensive card.
Most later cards will run the monitor but not what the game demands?
Maybe the monitoris capable of 144hz but unrealistic unless I have to spend more.
Would the best way to go be... buy the monitor with a average card , get 60 to 80 hz until later on ,higher grade cards drop in price .
I wonder if my old eyes will notice the difference //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif Yeah, it's constructing each frame on the computer that's the demanding bit. Sending it to the monitor only requires that the graphics cards supports an interface with sufficient bandwidth. And that is generally cheap enough that when new higher resolution connections come out they're rolled out across all GPUs in the same generation.
A monitor only has influence in that for optimal display crispness you'd want the image in a resolution that matches the screen's.
Generally resolution affects how detailed the scene is, while framerate affects the smoothness of movement. If you're playing a submarine sim where everything moves slowly then more resolution, less frame rate is a good trade-off. On the other hand if you're driving a high speed car along narrow roads then the scenery whizzing past in a blur is likely to look better at higher frame rates, rather than with lots of detail. Thanks.lots to learn here