Faint Vertical Lines on LG UltraFine 5K Display (27MD5KL) - Normal?
Hi all,I got a new 27" LG UltraFine 5K Display (27MD5KL) and I've noticed these strange faint vertical lines mainly in the center of the display. It's almost as if I can see the lines of pixels. I didn't notice it at the store, but I also wasn't looking at it straight on. When viewed from an angle above they don't appear.
It seems to be worse with a 100% white background, but I notice it with some other colors as well. It's worst in the center 80% of the displays and seems to disappear when you get near the edge.
I didn't think I'd be able to take a picture of it, but I could.
Connected to a 2016 MBP, but seems to appear with other inputs as well.
Is this normal, or some kind of defective backlighting? It's likely the backlight LEDs showing up through the diffuser. It's one of those things that's only going to be considered a fault if it's noticeable enough.
Is it interfering with normal use of the screen? Exchanged. New display does not exhibit this issue. 