How to connect my Sony BT-200N bluetooth headphones to my PC
Hi gang  have two bluetooth different bluetooth devices. One is a Belkin and the other I am not sure. It has a small plastic halfmoon shape top both are USB.
I have tried everything to get my headphones to work but it all seems to be very unstable and not work at all.
The bluetooth icon appears in the tray sometimes and not others.
Does anybody know a way of connecting thse headphones or is it just not possible? Sounds like the bluetooth dongles may be dodgy if the bluetooth icon in the tray is being enabled and disabled.
It sounds like you've had them a while. Did you install any software that came with either of them? The early bluetooth software did have a reputation for being flaky.
Do you have the headphones connected and working fine with another device? Sometimes I turn the PC on and the software loads but often it dont.
I have had them a while and the software that came with the belkin is very old now and the one I bought a few years ago with the halfmoon head didnt come with any software at all.
The headphones work fine with my phone..
Maybe they are just old now and out of date, is there anything you reccommend? They shouldn't be out of date but they might be faulty.Although if they're both doing the same thing it's a bit concerning and it might be a software/configuration issue on the PC.
It's worth uninstalling the Belking software if it's installed and use the Windows bluetooth support instead.
In terms of new ones nobody reviews them as far as I'm aware, they're just a cheap part that's expected to do it's job.