themediaman Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:09

RAM Computability

My PC is pretty old....P8Z77 M-PRO and I want to upgrade the CPU to an i7 3770(k)...however I don't think the RAM I have will be good so can anyone recommend what would work.... something that can be purchased today in 2019...[email protected]/png/64/1f923.png..

I tried to put a used 2700k in but it didn't work and I am pretty sure it was the RAM hence why I want to make sure I have something compatible this time...


maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:10

First thing to do is research your board online.

The RAM you have must be OK otherwise your PC wouldn't run. Under specifications check what RAM is supportedand how much.

Under support check what CPUs are supported.

Next check that the firmware on your board is the latest version. If it isn't then update it to the latest.

It wouldn't surprise me if the 2700K you tried was faulty. For second-hand CPUs it is best to get them from somewhere reliable like the Classified Ads here or somewhere like CEX(I have used them for this and got 2 perfectly good CPUs).
On CEX they will want -

Intel Core i7-3770 (3.4Ghz) LGA1155 - £70
Intel Core i7-3770K (3.5Ghz) LGA1155 - £120

themediaman Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:11


I know my board supports the 3770 and 3770k and my BIOS is updated to the latest version that supports it...

There is a chance that the 2770k I received was faulty, although there was no way of confirming that, fortunately I was refunded....

I can understand all the specifications and technical data online its just I want someone with experience of such things to tell me what to;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

The RAM I have is functional at the minute but I am currently running and i3 2125....

Hopefully it was the cpu that was faulty....

maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:11

If you are interested in overclocking your machine(if possible) then get the 3770K as it is unlocked for overclocking.
If not then just buy the oridinary i7-3770 CPU.

Consider upgrading the amount of memory you have.

themediaman Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:12

I currently have 16gb (4 x 4gb), however i cant recall what brand it is, so cant be sure if its compatible....(its unbranded physically too..)

best case: the 3770 coming will work fine with the RAM installed, the 2770k didn't get passed the POST beep....

worst case: RAM I have in not compatible, need to buy some.....but what?

maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:13


themediaman Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:14

Just an update guys....the 3770 came and is working great, thank god....and it recognises the full 16gb of RAM as opposed to the i3 that stated only 15.7gb usable or something like that.

So thanks for the chance to vent my fear....[email protected]/png/64/1f923.png[email protected]/png/64/1f923.png

maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:30:14


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