HP 15-ay000nq laptop doesn't charge normally anymore
I only have my laptop for 1 year and 9 months. Recently, I noticed it charges up until 81%, then it says it's plugged in and not charging. It goes on charging more or less, but always with these pauses, which have become more frequent and not just at 81% like in the beginning. For example, right now it got up to 65%, stopped, charged 1 more, then again it stopped, and on and on it goes, it doesn't really have a definitive number anymore and the pauses can be for as little as 1% like I described or for more.What could it possibly be and what should I do?  Sounds like it's just faulty, I'd get in contact with the retailer and have them sort it under the consumer rights act rather than trying to fix it yourself.
The HP 15 is the bottom of the range model so I wouldn't expect it to last that long, but I'd certainly expect closer to three or four years than less than two. Thank you, it's still under warranty, so I'll see what I can do... I didn't know that when I bought it.  Are you reffering to the fact that just the battery is faulty? I just can't leave it to be diagnosed, it would be great if only the battery could be changed... Sounds like the battery on the way out, warranty might not cover the battery for more than a year and no consumer rights will change that. Consumer rights are independent of warranty and you do have a right to expect even consumables like batteries to have a reasonable lifetime.