iXdanXi Publish time 2-12-2019 03:21:44

Desktop upgrades

Hi guys,

I’ve posted over in the for sale forums, but it’s probably better suited over here.
I’ve got an old stock Dell XPS 8300
Specs below;
Dell XPS 8300 Specs
It’s started running slow and I’ve noticed that 2gb of RAM has failed.

I originally thought it was slow just due to the age and was thinking of putting a SSD in it.

As I only need to put programs and start up files on the SSD would 120GB be enough?

I’ve been looking at getting the following Kingston SSD.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingston-Technology-SA400S37-120G-Solid/dp/B01N6JQS8C/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1541838159&sr=8-4&keywords=Kingston ssd

Would I need to buy a sata cable and bay for it to go into?

Does anyone have any advice on a better SSD or any advice on RAM at all?


EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:21:45

That depends on the size and number of your programs and files. 120GB is the absolute minimum that might work.

I'd go for 240GB personally, they're a lot less than twice as expensive as 120GB. You will likely need an SATA cable and a 3.5" to 2.5" adapter.

How slow is it? It's still a fairly powerful system so it shouldn't be particularly slow.

iXdanXi Publish time 2-12-2019 03:21:46


Thanks for the reply.

It’s not too slow.
I noticed that is was getting slower as there are a lot of programs running at startup.
Internet explorer takes a few mins to load the homepage initially.
I’ve stopped most from running on startup.
The hard drive (1tb) has less than 20gb of free space because of a large steam library.
I have checked the ram and it’s down to 6gb although there are 4x2gb chips in it.
I’ll grab the 240gb version instead.
Is there going to be much of a difference between the Kingston and a Samsung evo (roughly double the price).

Any advice on ram is appreciated.

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:21:46

There's no performance difference between SSDs for home use, if you want to spend extra your best bet is a company with a good track record of dealing with any problems that crop up (i.e. not Samsung after the hash they made of the 840 Evo issues).
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