Dead Right arrow key - Dell 7347 laptop
On my partner's laptop the right arrow key worked intermittently and has now given up entirely.As she does lots in Excel it's driving her nuts.
I've had a look under the key and can't see any dirt etc. gave it a blast with air and contact cleaner but its just not working.
Dell want £130 to fit a refurbished keyboard with 90 day warranty.
I've used Dell before and rated their service, but its a lot for a refurbed part and short warranty.
I've had a look on YouTube and it looks like a pain to replace but something I could do as a last resort.I've also had a look on eBay - there are keyboards only but reviews suggest they're plastic welded to the palm rest so I'd be looking at £40 plus my time and the opportunity to ruin it.
Anyone got any ideas of anything else I could try before I pay Dell?
(Image of the key with the top removed in case it helps) Separate USB Keyboard? It kind of defeats the portability - If I could find a usb numpad I could deal with it but I don’t think it would work for my partner.
Cheers for the suggestion though 