Hi folks,I've started trying to use Excel for work based stuff having never really used it before, and I have found it to be completely baffling and massively confusing and over complicated. It seems to be a huge program that can do a gajillion different things, but I can't get my chimp brain around it.
Is there a COMPLETE NEWBIE beginners guide that's worth me doing? I've had a look at some online course stuff for it but I'm struggling with learning it that way. I'm not retaining it very well...
Any thoughts? here you go I think you have summed up Excel really well saying it can do 'a gajillion different things' 
The thing I find with teaching people to use Excel is you need to have an issue that you want Excel to solve, you then go an learn how to do that. Rather than the likes of Word where you can do basic training and the learner then goes on to use it for whatever they want it for.
So with the above in mind you may have more luck letting us know what it is you are trying to get Excel to do and we 'might' then be able t point you in the right direction 