photo editing oftware
hiI'm lookingfortheeditingsoftware that enablesyou totakeparts of the photo and place themsomewhereelse on the pic or another pic, same as face swap,I've tried a couplebut they are not what I want cheers Which ones have you tried? this will save us mentioning the same ones? - the obvious ones are photoshop and GIMP YesI havetriedGIMPthat does nothavewhat I'm looking forPhotoshop and Inpixelare too expensive preferably a free one or at the least a free trialso I can see if its what I'm looking for,thanks for the reply, It would also be helpful if you actually say what you are looking for that this already mentioned don’t provide.My go to options are pixelmator and also affinity photo. I did say in my original postI want theone thatyou cantake asection from one pic and place it in another location or another pic And all of the options provided so far can do that  But then you say that it does not have what you are looking for, so obviously you are looking for something else....
GIMP, Photoshop, Pixelmator, Affinity Photo they all do that... I can'tspeak for the expensiveones as I can't afford them, but I have triedthe free downloadsincluding GIMPandeither I don't understandhow to usethe tools or it does nothave that facility!