Looking around it sounds like you have come across an limitation on Windows support for mixing normal and HiDPI screens.
Move mouse proportionaly between different resolution (and DPI) displays Thanks so much, i found exactly what i wanted from that link and used the software LittleBigMouse. Its now exactly how windows should have been 
Now i just need to solve the usb-c nintendo switch issue. For me the ASUS PG279q is the best 1440p screen, however, buy from a reputable seller because back light bleed and the IPS glow can ruin the screen and you may need to return a couple before you get one that really performs. Thanks but i went for the LG 27UK850 which has a 4K IPS panel and HDR. Im quite pleased with this screen actually, and now very glad i went with a 4k screen as it made a huge difference. However, the screen had a an issue with its USB ports not working, so i had to return it to nova tech for a replacement. Still waiting to receive the replacement. Also there seems to be a huge shortage of this screen in UK for some reason.
I have to give the quality of the screen though 10/10! It was really amazing.