NooBish AbbZ 92 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:14:18

Radeon HD 7950 3rd Screen -Detects then 'loses' 3rd Screen, then detects, etc.

So, i'm looking to connect a triple screen set up to Radeon HD7950 graphics card and Z68 AP D3 mother board.

I've had a dual screen set up now for a while with no issues. Today I've replaced my second screen with a new Philips monitor and bought a second matching monitor to become my third screen.

New screen have VGA and HDMI inputs each. Motherboard has a single HDMI output which I'm using for screen 2, graphics card has 1 HDMI output which I'm using for screen 1, and 2 Mini Display port outputs, 1 of which is being used for screen 3; for this one I'm using a Mini Displayport-HDMI cable.

When connecting all 3 monitors, screen 1 and 2 work fine, as always, however screen 3, the PC detects it, it shows up in Windows Graphics display options for a second or so, then disconnects. Screen 3 then states no video input and goes to sleep, then the PC detects it and the cycle repeats.

My reason for not using VGA is I always believed it was low AF resolution, which i'm not a fan of, any other output such as DVI would need some kind of conversion, ie to either HDMI or VGA for the screen inputs.

I've swapped the cables on screen 2 and 3, identical issue so it's not an issue with the screen.


EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:14:19

VGA supports up to 2048x1536 on most cards so it's no lower resolution for most screens. It can be very slightly softer but it's worth a go for troubleshooting if you have the cables handle.

I'd be inclined to suspect some sort of issue between the onboard graphics and the graphics card and I'd be inclined to try plugging all three screens into the 7950, although you'll likely need an active adapter for the third which does run to a bit more than a simple passive cable. They're about £10 these days:
NewLink Mini-DisplayPort to HDMI Socket Cable Active Adapter UHD 4K...

NooBish AbbZ 92 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:14:21

SO, maybe 15 minutes after posting this, i was looking into the active adapter's you mentioned. The first review that someone had to do a bit of jiggery-pokery, and switched which mini-display port he was using. I did the same, and it fixed the issue...Pc's, eh 

thanks for the reply though  
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