gbmitie Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:21

Has an activated Windows 8.1 but was part of a company volume licence agreement so it does not come

"Has an activated Windows 8.1 but was part of a company volume licence agreement so it does not come with a Licence."

This is a nice little laptop with win 8.1 pro but what does it mean that it does not come with a licence?In other words should I worry?

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:22

Are you buying (or thinking about it) this?

If it is already activated and working then it should be ok(ish)

However from a actually licencing point of view the licence belongs to the company not you.

I would also be concerned about whether the individual is legally able to sell the laptop.

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:23

He's saying it's still activated as part of his company's licence and doesn't come with a valid Windows licence. Doing this will be against the terms of the agreement between the company and Microsoft, so the licence is likely to get shut down as soon as Microsoft discovers this.

Basically it's a dodgy seller and if you don't have a copy of windows yourself I'd factor in the cost of buying one on top of the cost of the laptop (~£100).

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:24

Not necessarily as it will be a common key so it may well continue to work.However as you say it's not correct licensing anyway.

gbmitie Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:24

How will microsoft know its with a different user?It will be used to download a few files and then disconnected.

Thanks for replies.

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:25

That doesn't make any sense what do you mean it will be disconnected.You never going to connect it to the internet or surf the web?

It depends on the licencing model they have with MS as there are some different ones have a look here

Plan for volume activation (Windows 10)

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:26

Are you getting a fresh install, if so far it been activated.

Again is this somethingyou have got a at a really good price?

gbmitie Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:26

a very good price and yes its only for offline, on ebay

ChuckMountain Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:27

Then it sounds a bit too good to be true then.  I would be wary that the individual is able to sell it legally plus the licence issue.What's to say it's not hot?

I genuinely can't understand how you could just use something offline these days.Surely you are going to connect at some point.

Licensing didn't have to be online for it to stop working and it may well want to talk home at some point

gbmitie Publish time 2-12-2019 03:11:28

An update, its on ebay and seller is 100% and they replied to say yes I need a licence, hence the slow price, no guarantee but with a licence for $64.00 on amazon, its win8.1 pro by the way.

Its to be used for updating a satellite box, i.e dreambox edit and winscp and a few other bits so once software is downloaded it will only be used as input device. And its a lot easier than using a macbook pro.

As a matter of interest if I get the win 8.1 pro licence how do I register it?Is it a case of re-installing windows?
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