Never thought it likely to be down to the version, just like to understand the version running as I can run whatever version in a Virtual Machine in trying to analyse problems, though my question on it did uncover your machine not updating.
The 1903 update not happening automatically was possibly down to your 1803 version, which I assume your machine reverted to after the crash, not having the servicing stack files, which come in the form of a KB update, required to allow the 1903 update and would have caused it not to be offered. The blurred image is normal for 1903; it is one of the features that were added.
There are various ways to disable the Acrylic background (The new feature) depending on whether you want to get rid of it completely or just on the boot screen How to fix Windows 10 startup lock screen is blurry?
Bill Techquest - Seems reasonable. I'll look into the registry stuff, but at the end of the day it is only an occcasional glitch.
Bill - cheers for the link I'll look into that too. What an odd idea, to make something deliberately blurry, especially a nice photo. Yes forgot about that one Bill, that's down to me spending to much time with insider builds these day.
Pete If you want to create the reg files here's the info:
1. Create a file in Notepad with the exact text, copied from below, and save it as a .reg file. Suggest AllowBackgroundChange.reg
Code: "NoChangingWallPaper"=-"NoChangingWallPaper"=-
2. Create a file in Notepad with the exact text, copied from below, and save as a .reg file. Suggest PreventBackgroundChange.reg
Code: "NoChangingWallPaper"=dword:00000001"NoChangingWallPaper"=dword:00000001 Store the files where you can easily get at them and you can then change the permissions whenever you want by clicking yes, yes & OK when running the files. Wel, thanks for;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7