flozz1233 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:07:57


Hey guys
Just brought a new case
and was hoping my AIO cooler would fit. it didnt 
So I am looking at a custom water cooling loop to my machine however I have no knowledge water cooling. looking at linus tech tips and few others on youtube but was wondering if anyone on AVF has some advice on the matter

Member 830298 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:07:58

Do you have the name of the PC or the case?

flozz1233 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:07:59

So its called a Thermaltake The tower 900
I did link it in the original OP under case  hope this helps

DarkEntity Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:00

bought not brought!

I guess the first question is why do you want liquid cooling?

If your current AOI (im guessing sealed unit) is the correct fitting for the CPU/board it should fit..

For liquid cooling...
There are a myriad of liquid cooling solutions out there, it really depends what you want. What do you want to spend, how much work you want to do yourself, do you want it all done for you in a sealed unit or do you want to buy specific blocks, radiator, reservoir, pipes etc and build your own?

All the options have different pros and cons...

flozz1233 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:01

sorry english was never a strong suit 

Reason for liquid is because I would like to experiment with it and I feel my case would be suited. with 2 reservoir holders and its something which I have not had a chance to do previously
Also my AIO coolers pipes are a bit too short so its been a struggle to get the proper cooling.

Spending I was looking at some pumps and tanks so I was thinking maybe about 1000 over the next year. Purchase the parts bit by bit. I will do it myself and was looking into a custom loop as that would be something.
I understand it does take a lot of maintenance but I wanted to see what sort of stories people have had with custom loops

I will look to overclock in the future however with an 1800x and 1080ti I will not be looking to do so imminently

dollag Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:01

its pretty straight forward tbf. I suggest using soft tubing for your first try.

i personally use ekwb parts. if you go to their site, they explain different fitments etc. be prepared to spend a bit though. fitments, pumps etc are not cheap

Here is a pic of my recent build. Took all of a day but on my 1st attempt, would of taken a while longer. Patience is key.


ffssmarco58 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:02

brillant case and love the hard tubing top job

DarkEntity Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:03

Ive used AquaComputer (german company but parts available in the UK) before which has masses of parts, can use flexible or rigid tubing.Most of the parts are push, pull pressure fits which were great.Also allowed me to start with a triple radiator in my case roof and just a CPU block, later adding GFX, and such..

Kinda miss that rig because like @dollag machine above it makes a right talking piece 

flozz1233 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:04

many thanks for your input.

Soft tubing for first try
EKWB is a very good to gain more knowledge and parts
I love the P5, got the case for my server but left that on a AIO
And take your time and never rush 

flozz1233 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:08:05

Ah okay I will take a look 
The case can have like 560mm radiators and another 420mm so I will look for that
I was going to start off with my CPU then eventually work over to my GPU as I feel both I have future proofed for the next 4 years minimum I would say
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