Is My Desk The Right Way Round
Might be a silly question but it was bugging me earlier.The overhang at the back is supposed to give lee-way for cables and the skirting board isn't it ?
/proxy.php?image= Yes, it is correct  It's more for the skirting board.
I could never find a computer desk that was right for me. So I built my own out of a length of counter top and a lot of Contiplas.
Under the desk is the sloping ceiling of the staircase as this is our tiny box bedroom. I carpeted the slope and it's really comfortable for my feet.
The height of the pull out working table I chose, so I could use this surplus recliner that got replaced in our lounge with a "Stressless" one.
Cables for accessories can be a problem, so I keep them on hooks, so I can always find them. Looking at it I'd say it was right and the overhang is more to do with allowance for skirting boards. Yes, as I said at the beginning of the previous post. Didn't read those as I only saw the swooning over the home build, good though No problems, dunno about swooning. It wasn't that difficult to build.
A question of drawing it out on paper, then getting a wood yard to cut the bits you need.
I think most people can handle a drill and a screwdriver.