Inspiron 5491 14 2-in-1 Laptop with Dell Cinema | Dell UK
Just seen the price is £699 vat and the 14% code off sdoesnt;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Haven't seen another one with the 15 hrs. The problem is there are many variants so it's difficult to know where to start.
What budget do you have and are you looking at a monthly payment type plan? Really up to £700 to be honest, doesn't have to be on credit though. Ideally would like a 4k screen like the Lenovo 730 but not a deal breaker as I know they are going for £800ish. Slightly confused over your figure as the two figures in link are £699 incl and £849 incl.
So how much student discount do you get?
I assume you must be referring to £849 product? £735 incl
11 hr battery
1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
W10 Pro - much more secure and more features than W10 home
Lenovo ThinkBook 13s Core i5 8GB 256GB SSD Win10 Pro | £756 incl
12.2 hr battery
1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
W10 pro
Lenovo ThinkPad L480 Laptop - Laptops at ebuyer
Having done some research I really don't think your going to get a 4k spec for your budget, I can Get the 4k one down to £829.00 with student beans. But as you said it's more than I want to spend. Will have a loom at the ones you've posted. Thanks for all the trouble you've gone to.