Maizenbluedoc Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:57

Desktop Reliability

I want to replace my DEll XPS8500. After reading recommendations and reviews I am considering the HP Envy TE01-0175xt, Dell XPS Special Edition, and Dell Alienware Aurora R7. I don't participate in gaming, just want an all purpose desktop.Other than the Mac, allother Brands do not get great reviews. I just do not want a Mac. I only want a tower (I have the monitor and wireless KB and mouse. Any suggestions appreciated.

b1nx2003 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:58

it really does'nt matter if you are a gamer or not, but please save yourself some cash and gain a whole load of satisfaction/experience and spec your own pc parts and build it yourself.

Choose a new ish cpu, mobo and case - it will be your own personal project / customized exactly how you like......

Maizenbluedoc Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:59

Thanks, but no thanks. I don't trust myself with that undertaking. I would probably create more cost than buying a new PC. Money is not the issue.......reliability is. Thank you for your input.

maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:59

Can understand that building your own machine is not everyone's cup of tea. For the ones you have listed it is your choice really. What I would say is that Alienware is aimed directly at Gaming.

On another note,if you want to Thank someone for their input hover over the like icon in their post and you'll see what I;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

next010 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:59

Self builds can be fraught with unforeseen issues, if it were me I would just buy a Dell Inspiron or Optiplex desktop that has a Core i7 CPU but without a high end GPU and put the money into the 4 year premium on site support service. The Optiplex have longer support options and next business day on site service too.
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