scroofer Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:35

New motherboard or replace laptop...with what?

Hi All

The motherboard has died on my MSI GP60 2PE Leopard (circa 2014). 

In your collective wisdom, do you think it's worth replacing the part (approx £250   labour) or getting a newer laptop for a few hundred quid more?

I assume something more modern might suffice in terms of performance at around £5/600, but I'm a bit stuck with what to do.

- Mostly for life admin & browsing, but...
- Some periods of intensive work: front end dev, edit videos/graphics, process images
- Always loads of tabs & multiple office documents at once
- No gaming

Current spec
Intel Core i7 4700HQ (2.4GhzProcessor)
16GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA Geforce 840M 2GB Graphics Card
Silent 120GB Ultrafast Solid State Drive m-SATA
75GB SATA III ( Secondary Drive )

If it's best left dead, what would you recommend I replace it with?

(Would a newer i5 or equivalent perform better than an old i7...idk!?)


Nerox Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:36

have you considered getting the laptop repaired instead?

replacing the motherboard is likely not economical but it's possible that a single component costing 1p has gone bad (as is often the case) and could be replaced for £50 all-in by someone who knows what they are doing

scroofer Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:37

Hi Nerox. I have. It's at the repair shop at the moment, but they failed to repair. Same price for labour, so I'll trust it's the truth.

maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:37

Given the age of the laptop I would put the money to a new one.
A couple of examples -

HP Pavilion 15-cs2026na Full-HD Laptop
HP Pavilion 15-cs2031na Full-HD Laptop

scroofer Publish time 2-12-2019 03:00:38

Yeah, I think with it being the Black Friday period that seems like the move.

Might change it up and go for a 2 in 1.

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