The Halloween trip was courtesy of the Ffestiniog Railway who put on a very decent show plus a bit of tea. The Grandchildren loved every minute.
So if you are in Porthmadog around the end of October, have a go.
The technical point is that the camera picked up a lot of detail in very dark conditions and this can be enhanced as much as desired in your VE. Search me???
However, now I'm going full time video so to speak, I need to sort a better video editor. At the moment I use Pictures to Exe which is my slide show software, but has basic video editing, such as adjusting length, titles, but not much else. I need something bomb proof & easy to learn. I do my audio in the freebie Audacity & am quite happy with it. I also use Video Pad & Camtasia, but struggle with both of them, any suggestions? And there was me thinking I had a secret fan! 
I got a "Free" version of Pinnacle Studio when I boughta Canon back in 2005. It was so buggy my computer crashed almost every time I used it. My dealer had heard good reports of VideoStudio, I got it and stuck with it ever since. I tried the latest Pinnacle and PowerDirector but I came back to VS (It's what I got used to)
Like most editors there are dozens of tutorials from Corel and a brilliant independent called Gripps (on YouTube) There is a decent Forum too.
If you are interested, the latest version is VideoStudio 2018 but I would look for the previous version VideoStudio Pro X10 ( £60 on Amazon) as 2018 is still being debugged. There are two versions Pro and Ultimate, the main program is exactly the same but Ultimate has additional effects.
Everybody has their own favourite and, as most have a steep learning curve, stick with them. I like VideoStudio even though it is at the lower end of the video editor range. The point is that it does everything I need. I suspect the best thing to make yr choice is what others near you use.If you join a Movie-Making club there will be those with Pro-aspirations ( and Money) for the top-end products. Where they score (only IMHO) is the ability to move files from one application to another.However, the cost is high as most are now Subscription-models and don't offer a budget price for non-pro/infrequent users.
FWIW My choice has been 2-versions of Sony's Movie Studio ( always rated best buy for ease of use by Computer Shopper ), but Sony sold to Magix and I read little about their offerings which must overlap the Sony titles. Sony had Spectral Layers, which enable you to "unmix-the-cake" in Audio. ..but their poor Marketing and high cost ( as well as a very tiny interface panel_ EH? ); so, I guess few took it up... Technically it was excellent and akin to Adobe's flagship "Audition" which does much the same.... at a great cost!
We all love the software we are used to, so that's a consideration . . . Now with 4K about, my next PC will have moreRAM ( like 16G), so there are two "free to use" 64-bit Editors, but these are not easy to master...and really aimed at folk with time on their hands.... who need lots of "Effects" -
But until "Subscription" becomes the norm, I guess something under £100 should suit fine . . . Most allow 30-day "Trial" to make sure your hardware is OK . . . don't expect to learn it that soon.
If you use software friends use, then any problem has a local solution.Good Luck. I previously used Sony Movie Studio v10 but when I upgraded to a Panny VXF990EKB I decided against the newer version and opted for Cyberlink PowerDirector as it looked to have the most features and was a decent price - buy direct from their web site as they often have 70% off deals on their software making it cheaper than buying from the likes of Amazon.
PowerDirector 16
Of course the upgrade to editing 4k video meant that I had to upgrade my PC, which really upset me as I'm sure everybody will understand 
Seriously though if editing 4k you should be looking at a high end PC with plenty of RAM and disk space. But if no budget then something a few years old will be ok, my old Sandybridge i7 and just onboard graphics managed to render 4k video at a reasonable speed, but not with the new PC it flies through it 