After Panasonic HC VXF1 Feedback from owners
I'm considering grabbing this camera but I've noticed there are 3 models.The only important ones are the VX1 and this VXF1.The third one has a useless selfie cam attachment I hhave no interest in.I'd like to know how often any of you use the manual settings and front ring as opposed to the automatic modes.Are the automatic ones as good as I've read that you wont really mess with manual much?And if you use it what sort of situations are you enabling this mode that automatic doesnt suffice?Thanks for any feedback. What is that? I own the third one, the HC-V800 which is the HD model. No selfie there.If you are referring to the second camera on some models, ALL the cameras in the range have a second camera option but they use a camera on a Smartphone to create the second picture usually in PIP form.
The HC-V800 is the base model and the VX1/VXF1 have 4K added.
The iA mode covers all general filming with no need to switch to manual but the manual mode is there on all three models if required. Unfortunately only the VXF1 has the focussing ring.
My HC-V750 had a focussing knob but I rarely used it.
I find that the V800 focusses correctly every time but can be slow in low light conditions. Thanks for the reply. The camera I'm referring to is a different one, has 2 different model names depending on your region.HC-WXF1K / HC-VX1K
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This one here. The model suffix will be different but if you compare the VXF1, VX1 and the 800 you will see that they all share the same sensor chip, the same lens, the same OIS, the same camera case and so on.
Clearly the firmware is different for the 4K models to the HD model but the working parts are common. Even the zoom range for the HD part of the two 4K models is the same as the 800.
The UK has the same models VXF1 and VX1 but with the suffix EB-K.
The WXF1M has the second camera attached to the LCD but, as I mentioned above, this can be replaced with a Smartphone Wi-Fi'd into the camera to give the second picture. IMO this is probably the more versatile method for PIP.
Plus if you care to check the User Manual for the VX1 or VXF1 you will see that it covers all the cameras I mentioned above suggesting that there is common ground between all the cameras. Thats very interesting to hear its so similar to the 800.Can I ask have you ever had to default to manual settings because the automatic ones didnt do what you were after?OR has it been pretty impressive on the whole. Manual: Not as yet but I have used icons such as the night setting to record a sunrise. The camera performs well under normal circumstances and I have, with my previous model the HC-V750, recorded in Ghost Trains and spooky Halloween trains. In this respect with the Leica lens and larger chip it does perform better than the 750.
Neither camera likes to be pushed in Manual mode and, for example, if I try to adjust the aperture It will try to compensate by changing the shutter speed. I do tend to leave it in iA mode (fully auto) but there are a number of presets that can be used for certain conditions. Example: Beach, Sport, Fireworks that bias the settings.
I would suggest you download the .pfd User Manual and have a nose through. Its in Support on the Panasonic site. Sounds very promising.I have gone through that monstrously huge manual trying to find this or that bit of info, but on the field type stuff is very useful to know.The videos you described of the ghost trains and other stuff, would you have uploaded them by chance to youtube or somewhere?They sound super interesting to see. Have a look at:-
This was taken a couple of years ago on the Ffestiniog Railway Halloween Train with my HC-V750. This was taken with the available light. (Not much of that)
The 800 performs slightly better but, as yet, I have no edited film.
Plus I suggest you look up DosDan, a fellow Australian, who is very experienced on Panasonic camcorders. Thanks mate, will do. @dosdan should get his attention 