Go Pro grip advice
Unfortunately had my GoPro and gear stolen a while back and just got round to replacing it but in the market to replace my grips but not sure what to aim for, so any real-life experience/advice would be appreciated.So far ive tried 2 different ones:
1. The official 3-Way (with tripod)- I love the versatility of this, especially with the hidden tripod, but the major gripe i had with it was it really transferred a lot of noise to the microphone. Any slight hand movement on the grip itself really reverberated through the camera and made it noisy as hell. Tried different audio settings but the same happened. So im kinda ruling this one out - unless im doing something wrong lol
2. The Handler (official) - This was very handy, especially going in/out water, liked the wrist strap for extra safety, but with no option for extending it was limited.
So whatother options would people recommend. I unfortunately cant afford the Karma Grip or any other decent Gimball for that matter, just looking for a easy to transport, sturdy, reliable grip. That doesnt transmit noise to the camera, but ideally with the extra features of the 3-Way (extendable, tripod etc).
Over to you  No opinions out there? Hi, you are restricting answers to folk that have this particular kit/accessories. Maybe that's the issue?
Have you tried to overcome the noise-problem? I don't understand what noise you are introducing. I have noticed on purchases that sometimes they need a little tweaking ( screw tightening often), maybe this is how they leave the factory... or it loosens during bulk-handling. But I'm not familiar with this set-up.
I made a grip for a similar small camera. I used a large disc of foam so the hand supports the weight without needing to grip tightly. This greatly reduces the hand-effort when holding the weight of Grip camera at any distance. My grip has no electronics/batteriesand has a tiny cast-iron base to balance(?) theweights.The body is wood ( good size and pleasant in the cold, or heat) also it has two opposing outriggers for the separate 7" Monitor and microphone/recorder.
With all this added weight, it brings into Q. the use of such a small camcorder; but if that's what's wanted - then they have to suffer the weight of the "extras" Grip!
The CI base has a 1/4" Whitworth int. thread,to screw onto a tripod - ideal when the action is less demanding, or the Operator tires...
Those Internal microphones are always likely to be noisy, by operation/handling.
Perhaps someone else here uses your kit-bits?