Incidentally I knew a guy who was hopeless at Algebra but was brilliant at History.
So to quote another stupid phrase:-"Its horses for courses". Bought one of these for 60 quid,
Olympus SZ-31MR Review
As yet I have not collected it. Am meeting the guy at his work where coincidentally a friend of mine also works. Managed to knock a couple of quid off the price and hopefully it will do all I require which is not a lot. It looks a very nice camera, I hope it works for you. Please would you post an example of your feathered friends for us.
I have a window mounted bird feeder which will soon be needed by the local feathered population. I will follow your example and set up my camera to film results. But being lazy  I will use my remote app to trigger the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 This is what I have got via my B700 which I had on a mini tripod at the kitchen window.
Unfortunately this does tie up the camera somewhat hence the need for a back up. So many sparrows?? (I think) in one spot. Can understand why you want extra cameras. It is not so much a extra camera per se, It is just that I have the B700 tied up in the kitchen ready to put into action if I spot something worth capturing which means it is difficult to use it elsewhere. So I will set up the Olympus in the kitchen whilst having the B700 to hand. Good to read you have sorted the problem; however, it was never fully explained as to what was wrong with the Sony - Whilst that budget model lacks BOSS (stabaliser), judging from your "sparrows" videos, Sony would be hard pressed to fix movement which is intentional ( and why would anyone want to?).
Other Posters had similar Q's which were passed over.
If you bought it new, then send it back ( although we'd like to have seen a non thro-the-glass garden shoot). As to the colours; there is usually a Menu Topic that covers this. It's possible you've already set your other cameras to "Vivid" ( or similar ), so the camcorder files looks less-so. - Normally in a Video Editor, there are plenty of options to change image from B&W thro' to Colour-Excessive. The brightness and contrast along with the "centre-point" can be trimmed quickly, to suit the viewer.