I think the reason to stay inside the car is to stop you becoming lunch.
As you can see, the VXF1 goes down to 25mm wide angle which should be very satisfactory. My own V800 stops at 29mm which I find adequate for indoor work. The "quality" zoom at 48x is probably OK but it can be pushed a bit further if you want.
62mm telephoto add on lenses are available. In the Kruger there are dangerous animals, lions of course, but many others. Elephants, buffalos, and then snakes, scorpions and so on.
For sure I will bring the Go Pro Hero Black 6, which is also 4k and wide angle. I think I will have to understand which is the best mount or pole to bring to keep the image stable. I can use the suction mount inside the car (but I expect the windscreen to become easily dusty). Then I could bring even the go pro stick or the tray I use for scuba
Your suggestions are very useful, thanks