stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:01:52

Depending on how old the Smart TV is, it may not have scart sockets, mine doesn't, yet my neighbours has. Neither mine or my neighbours has the 3av sockets. Another way to overcome this is an AV analogue to digital conversion cable, usually USB to AVI , connect the camcorder to a PC & convert the files to digital & play them through a memory stick via the USB connection on the smart TV.

Terfyn Publish time 2-12-2019 02:01:52

The sad fact is that cameras have moved on, as have TVs. The "Final Solution" may be to put the JVC back on the market and to replace it with a SD card based camera. 
There are other reasons for this terrible idea.// If, as I suspect, the camera is "pre-owned" (hate that expression) then the mechanics of the tape drive and the read/write heads could be worn and will give trouble at a later date. I also think it is significant that one supplier, of the cable you want, has discontinued the supply.

I ditched my Canon HV20 back in 2010 for that reason and have used SD card cameras from then on. Apart from the reasons above, SD cards, which are cheap and do not deteriorate like tapes, can be easily read in a PC, plusmost cameras now have HDMI outputs to connect directly into modern TVs.

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