VideOkie Publish time 2-12-2019 01:57:42

Is There A Best Place To Buy Sony Refurbished Camcorders?

A local repair shop totally butchered and ruined my Sony TRV-840 Hi8 camcorder. As a result, they will be legally replacing my camcorder.

Is there a 'best place' online to buy professionally refurbished Sony camcorders?

I am a professional still photographer, take really good care of all my equipment, and am not looking for a cheap ebay used camcorder. The shop screwed up big time and will be replacing mine with the best refurbished TRV-840 I can find.

Thank you

stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 01:57:43

Have you tried Wex or the Sony shop?

VideOkie Publish time 2-12-2019 01:57:44

Thank you. I appreciate the help.

MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 01:57:44

Welcome to the forum VideOkie 

If my Google skills have not done a runner on me then I believe the TRV-840 is a Digital8 camcorder rather than one of the older analogue Hi8 models 
Even so both formats are a good few years old now so you will be lucky to get anything that reliably plays the tapes now and the likes of eBay may be about your only option. Although I see there are a few available second hand on, but it will still be pot luck as to how good their condition is - Buying Choices: Sony DCRTRV840 Digital8 Camcorder w/ 3.5" LCD, USB Streaming, Memory Stick, and Mega Pixel Video/ Still (Discontinued by Manufacturer)


12harry Publish time 2-12-2019 01:57:45

It'sa sad fact that before we realise Our Gadget electronics will move-on;so our precious memories are not recoverable. Formats change, become up-dated, etc. with little regard to L-T loyalty.

Back in history analogue formats were far better for long-term recovery. Even early photographs are still viewable ( although somewhat fuzzy by today's standards ).

Storage is a "regular" here and even that is an issue, depending as it will on many electronic chips surviving - although RAID attempts to reduce this by having multiple drives, it doesn't protect from electrical storm, flood, or theft.
The "Cloud" is an alternative, but free-space is limited and may not be as secure compared with a Subscription.... provided that is the Bank keeps up the payments... Oh dear.

Cheers ! ( but even that isn't entirely positive...)
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