Camera hunting Sony -v- Canon
Hi folks I'm looking for some advice please. I have few archaic handycams and a Panasonic M40.I'm looking to upgrade on a fairly limited budget c£200. Trying to choose between Sony HVR-Z1 and Canon XL1 or MX1/2. Are there any known prone faults. For project work outside;fishing/wildlife/falconry occasional interviews, occasional low light.
I will greatly appreciate any pros-cons, for and against, positive or negative feedback please. Thank you for your time. That budget is low - have you Found/Bought anything yet?
A modern low-end consumer camcorder [ Sony...Panasonic ],may just fit that price-point - and willbe good enough if you don't need "frills" -However, if you are wanting to do more than a "Recorda trip" - i.e. something that represents a "short film", (maybe 5min duration) you need to plan the trip and make sure you have enough material for the Edit.This may ruin the fishing Trip!
Cheers. Look on Amazon for last years models.
Example Panasonic V260 for £190. A well spec'd camera for the price. Thanks gents. Found plenty but bought nothing yet. Still trying to toss up between the models mentioned above. Material is no problem, it's the editing that hurts  . I will check out that Panasonic thanks. I would really like to get beyond "handycam" without getting as lumpy as the M40 VHS. The editing is independent of the camera. After all editing the VHS was only a step up on editing cine film whereas using an SD card plus an editing suite gives you an array of shots to mix and match as you will.
Suggest you invest in a modern editor as well as a new camcorder.
I had a Canon before I went Panasonic so, of the two above, my money would be for the Canon Oh yes I have a good editing suite. I can now edit 4 cameras input at once plus lots of frills. I like the Canon because I can use my DSLR lenses on it. Here's a short with sound I did some time ago, I think I might use more transitions on it now if I was to redo it.