Video Camera 4k for jeweler
Hi,I'm looking for a 4k video camera linked to a 4k monitor (for a jeweler friend), that he can use in order to zoom in and work on small jewelry pieces.
Any recommendation for a low budget?
Thanks Why 4K? HD will be more than adequate for this job, cheaper to set up and easier to find.
Plus there are a number of microscopes with a screen fitted available. Example:-
KKmoon 3D Digital Microscope 7 Inch Screen 270X on Amazon. Don't know why 4k, I'm not the jeweler . But thanks for recommendation, didn't knew about this one/type. 4Kwould give a more defined picture but, to show you, I tested my HD camera at 2" above some text and it gave a very clear picture. Example attached.
The idea of the digital microscope is that it gives a magnified picture directly to the user, it has its own lighting and it is less cumbersome. There are a number of digital microscopes to choose from to give the most usable magnification.
I also noted a stand alone microscope, Zoom from 1X to 1000X with an HDMI output for connecting into a TV or monitor. This is less bulky and may be better for you.