When editing different resolutions, is it best to scale the lowest one up, or the highest one down?
Hi all, just a quick question here, I hope it makes sense...In my project, I have shot with 2 resolutions...
1. Interview shots - 1920 x 1080 (25fps)
2. B-roll - 1280 x 720 (50fps)
Both will be included in the final film, I will slow the b-roll down for effect (hence the 50fps) and use the interviews as they are around it.
My question is, is it best for me to edit at 1920 x 1080 and upscale the b-roll or edit at 1280 x 720 and downscale the interview shots.
Or maybe it makes no difference?
Would love to hear your advice, thanks. Edit @1920x1080.You are applying effects to the BROLL anyway, so that will probably cover up the lower resolution. Okay great thanks! And if I wasn't applying the effects, would you suggest the same? It's likely you would want to render at 1080p anyway,so no point creating a bottle neck.
The quality of the video as well as the resolution needs to be considered. A broadcast camera with decent lens recording to a high bit rate recorder but at a lower resolution will look better than a cheap camcorder with limited optical resolution recording to 1080.
Have a look at the source material and see what the footage looks like. You may be able to do some sharpening to improve the perceived resolution, but try not to over do it. Okay, great! That's clear, thanks 