cerebros Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:18

I have got an Analogue CamcorderSamsung VP-W60 , which I have had for along time now but never used it ...
Can anyone tell me if I can connect this model to my PC or Laptop to see, capture and edit from it? or not ?
If so what do I need to get to possibly achieve this ?? ... IE drivers software etc?? Thanks

Kevo Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:18

I own a Panasonic NV-GS70 digital camcorder. The camcorder came with no editing software, can anyone advise of any preferably "free" or trial software that will allow me to make basic editing functions. I only want to edit family recordings on my pc and not go into competition with speilburg!

Kevo Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:19

The camcorder review link you recommend is so out of date! Can someone please suggest a good camcorder review site that features the new models?

Bearded_Malc Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:19

Could we also have some links to pages explaining stuff like when you might want to consider using an external microphone or a video light?

liteswap Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:19

I recently bought a Canon MVX250i camcorder, and was just wondering if anyone knew which fire wire i would need for this dv camcorder, i borrowed my friends 6 to 4 pin and the 6 was too big but the 4 fits the firewire port on my pc i dont really want to buy a firewire lead an then it be the wrong size,

any ideas?

senu Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:19


I have owned a canon z10 for about 4 years. I have lots of mini cassettes with films, but have recorded to a blank dvd-r only once, with terrible results. I am pretty much lost.

In my once and only time trying to save the film on the dvd-r, I ran into lots of problems. First, my film was WAY to big to save on the 4.7 gb disk. I must admit my ignorance, but how can my 45 minute amateur film of family and kids not fit on a blank dvd, if a 2 hour Hollywood film with music and extras can???? In my trial, I did try to record a little music with my video.I also tried to compress my video to fit using a idvd/imovie. I succeeded and it looked like crap. Also, the whole process took me about 15hours. God, it took forever to save. I guess I need to know something also about recording speeds 4x, 8x, etc..???? Sorry, for the long story.
Anyway, what are the tips to success?

I am using a MAC OS X - idvd v2.1.

Could someone give a 10 step process that could help me?

KelvinS1965 Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:19

It can

Your 45 minute film uses less compression and a better format (DV) than DVD Films do (mpeg2). approx 20mbs as opposed to 8mbs. Thus your film will produce a much larger file, approx 13gig for each hour of recording.
Also you are recording in to single laye DVD-R where as Hollywood films are on commercial Dual Layer DVDs which have double the capacity.

However, using good codecs like those of Canopus or TMPG you should still be able to get a good quality conversion to single layer DVD-R.

I have done several mini DVs to DVD-R which still are in excellent quality.

Blank dual layer DVDs will allow for a slightly better conversion but the thes best way is still to edit BACK to min DV via the Fire wire in.

But with 'high def' DVD around the corner you will be able to maintain the original DV quality on a high capacity recordable DVD, so keep hold of those original master tapes!

senu Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:20

Thanks Kevo for your helpful information.

How can I find codecs like Canopus or TMPG?Are they included with idvd software?Or do I need to buy some new software?

How big a file should I make before compressing?Is 13gig the limit before compressing with Canopu or TMPG?Or for better results, should I limit my movie file to 11-13gigs?

Lastly, do you know anything about recording speeds?Should I select on my MAC the fastest recording speed?I think the last time I tried it defaulted to the slowest speed.Took forever to burn the dvd -many, many hours.
Thanks and best regards! 

senu Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:21

It is very easy once you navigate with the remote to the right input

For a DV camcorder connected by DV ( firewire:the best route) that would mean pressing the AV button till DV shows up. You then press the red button( record)on DVD recorder , andPlay on the Camcorder . Unless you only want to record a part, recording will stop when there is nothing on the tape

It is best to record to the DVD recorders HDD first then dub to DVD once on the HDD

To do that :. Select HDD on the remote, MENU/LISTand all the recordings on the HDD will be diplayed as thumbnails .
Select the one you want and all the options ( including dubbing show up) :
This will take you to a menu to say if you want fast dubbing ,xp: best quality(1 hr on a DVD),   SP ( standard quality ( 2hrs on a DVD) then select DUB :

Once dubbed to DVD. Select DVD, setup to finalise DVD in order to play it on any DVD player

After the first time you will probably do it on autopilot: It is that simple.

If you would like a little chat to talk thru   PM me and Ill give you a phone no to call

alandpol Publish time 2-12-2019 01:50:21

thanks senu

I will order one of those dvd recorders hopefully today
and get back to you when if i run in to problems with recording

you have explained it pretty well thank you
in a way i understand simple the better
i might do some editing in the future when i get more confident

thank you so much you poeple on this site are very kind

from john
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