rio9999 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:45:30

42LH50 Chromecast Issue

Hi All -

Have an old 42lh50. Had chromecast connected to it for years - no issue - took chromecase out to travel with it on business about a year ago. Went to reconnect last week and now I seem to be having "handshake issues." I get an audible click noise - visual "snow" and intermittent shots of clear chromecast video. If I long press my chromecast to reset it, I get a perfect clear picture as chromecast resets. I;ve tried another chromecast - same issue. I've tried multiple HDMI ports, same issue - Ive tried the same HDMI that I use for xfinity DVR box, same issue.

Can't find a master reset for this TV anywhere. Opened up TV and disconnected power internally - no difference.

Any recommendations beside the obvious "Get a new TV"?


rio9999 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:45:31

Bump bump bimp
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