Andy Bassett Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:25

NEWS: Toshiba launches L7 and L5 series TV line up

Toshiba launches their affordable L7 and L5 series TV line up for 2019 along with the latest TY-SBX210 and TY-WSB600 soundbars.
Read the news.

crabby09 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:26

A tick box spec is pretty pointless without calibrated test results... But at those prices I'd be very interested as a second/bedroom set!

boabis Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:27

Who is actually making Toshiba these days? Is it Vestel?

If these compete with HiSense they could be worth a look.

zeppelino Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:28

Hisense own Toshiba now but unsure if they’re still built by Vestel - Last years models were.

boabis Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:29

Maybe won’t compete directly with HiSense then 

EndlessWaves Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:30

Hisense own Toshiba Visual Solutions, not Toshiba as a whole.

While I believe this is the company that owns the rights to the Toshiba brand name for TVs, as far as I know the licence of it to Vestel is still in effect. The footer of the Toshiba TV website certainly still sounds like it:

"“Toshiba” is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation and its used by Vestel or its subsidiary for products described here in under license from Toshiba Visual Solutions Corporation. Vestel is the manufacturer or is the entity responsible as manufacturer for the products described here in.

So these are Vestel's mid-range offerings.

Clem_Dye Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:30

Interesting about the PQ but what about the HDMI connectivity? Does the TV pass Dolby Atmos, eARC, etc.? Probably not at these prices, but lack of proper connectivity could be a showstopper for many would-be purchasers.


Loopthrough Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:32

These are Vestel Turkey designed and built.The sound system is genuinely made by Onkyo design. Hisense technically own Toshiba but the EU/UK license to Vestel is still running so they can't get at them yet.

There's actually nothing wrong with Vestel these days. They've been steadily improving and learning and upping their game while nobody noticed. You won't get the contrast or panel uniformity of Hisense or a huge player but Vestel are much more than a supermarket or Argos brand now. They really upped their game in software too in the last year.

dots999 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:22:32

Is Primevideo 4K available on these sets yet? The last one I saw (2018 6 series late last year) didn't have Primevideo at all
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