Changing the splash screen / boot logo on a smart TV
Anyone had any luck changing the splash / boot screen on a smart TV?I figure it will just be running on Linux so can it be as simple as connecting (telnet? SSH?) and replacing the relevant image file?Probably not  example, I have a Hitachi 4K one here (the cheap one from Argos) and upon loading, I see the "Hitachi - Inspire the next" logo / slogan on screen before it launches the home menu. That's what I want to change. I have to ask...why? Marketing purposes, basically.
I operate serviced apartments (think hotel experience but in a whole, fully equipped apartment) and the TV could be a prime bit of real estate for plugging our special offers, direct booking discounts etc  No is the short answer, you'd have to jailbreak the TV's OS to modify it.
You can use Raspberry Pi's as digital signage combined with a TV that could do what you want but it would have to be plugged into a TV's HDMI port and many TV's do not open on a specific input though some can be forced to do so I think via a service menu or enabling hotel mode in TV settings. There's plenty of hotel grade TVs with this feature. Samsung has a very easy to use system and you can also set it to fire up in digital signage mode for rolling offers until Menu or TV is pressed on the remote.
Configured via USB, so cloning is easy as well.