paulfoley Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:37

It sure is. There's a great explanation about "why it is" on my other thread by "whereisaaran" 

Samv0808 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:38

Just a note here. I have the Ligawo as mentioned previously and the ps4 pro is fussy there too. HDR is detected but 4K RGB does not work. Only the other 4K output that I forget the name of now. If I use RGB 4K picture drops on and off. Direct to tv seems to be the best way to go with the pro. Luckily my Panasonic uhd player and HDR through my NVIDIA shield work great through the Ligawo. Seems all this stuff is really temperamental. First world problems huh

Would be interested to see what if anything works with PS4 pro other than direct connection currently. Not seen any success stories yet

Samv0808 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:39

Ahhh that is a great thread. Explains why my uhd player works 4:2:0 and the pro only works in that other mode not in RGB. I guess that my UHD player is not losing any quality in the output as I think I read somewhere uhd players output in 4:2:0 and I am sure direct to the tv the uhd player the output was the same 4:2:0

That said every time I think I understand.... I get blown out the water when I read something else. So probably my explanation is wrong but end of the day it doesn't work fully with RGB 4K in PS4 pro

dr no Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:40

I have the ligawo HDR and it works fine with Pro with 4K HDR RGB
Sometimes on auto switching it doesn't show on TV without manual changing input back and forth or toggling on/off.

Samv0808 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:41

Interesting. Thanks for this. I'll try again. I'd love it to work. Maybe I had a loose connection or something but the screen keeps flashing on and off when I have it set to RGB. I tried 2 different cables too. Seems then its something weird at my end. Thanks again. Learned alot from this and other threads tonight.

dr no Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:43

It seems different people are different experiences with this new switch. I can only report my own experience.

paulfoley Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:44

Do you both have cables the same length?

dr no Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:45

I have 1m cables coming to the switch

daveb975 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:46

Thanks Paul. I have posted on there to se if whereisarran can answer my questions.

I think that the main thing still confusing me is why HDMI 2.0a switches in AVRs can do the job and standalone ones can't. I guess that quality is not available yet.

daveb975 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:17:47

Just a quick update on what I have tried tonight.


This seemed to work perfectly out of the box with a 100% stable picture on PS4 HDR, which is strange as the seller specifically said it didn't support HDR.

Unfortunately, it completely fell over about 20 minutes in, flashing on and off very regularly. Power cycling gave me another 10 minutes before it went bad again.


Half an hour in and this one has been flawless with the PS4 Pro HDR feed. Fingers crossed it will continue - it is not quite a good value as the one above, but cheaper than a lot of the high end options.

I have used the PS4 Pro's supplied lead into the switcher and my old 5m HDMI cable (buried in the wall) to feed a Samsung 55KS7000 LED TV.

I will update further as I find things out. I am not even using it as a proper switch yet as my AVR and UHD Blu Ray player need to be plugged in.

If it doesn't work, I will test the more expensive options - an HDFury Integral I have borrowed, and the one that Seb at ATClass sells.
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