Toshiba 37X3030D Standby Isssues
Hi All.Has anyone had issues with Toshiba 37X3030D when in standby the red and Green light come on randomly?
Its like when you turn the tv off from the power socket and put it back on again, the two lights appear to come and you can hear the TV setting itself in to standby mode, then after 10s the green light disappears and then the red light remains.
This is getting annoying because the TV is doing this at random times.
Thanks Suspect microprocessor.
You need an engineer. The Green light is showing you that the TV is scanning for a firware update, it does this when connected to a power supply i.e. when you turn on the socket because it thinks it's an initial set up......there should be a setting somewhere to turn off automatic update....check the manual...
Sted think that's what it is because it is not connected to an outdoor aerial and only a Sat Dish.
Thanks. I presume it's always worked OK without a terrestrial aerial connected?
 it's been fine for about 2 years, then it started happening but not all that often so took it in and they couldnt find a fault so they upgraded the firmware.
Now it's started to happen a lot more, does anyone know how to disable the update feature? I cant find it anywhere on the menus.
Thanks There isn't an 'update feature' to disable.
My diagnosis stands. I've just repaired one for this exact fault symptom.
 hi, it worked fine without the aerial being connected.
Are you saying that the aerial has to be connected to this tv?
When you say you have repaired this TV, what was the fault?
Thanks The microprocessor. is this a common fault?
where is the micorprosser located? does a board need to be replaced?