Ring Doorbell Pro & Asus Router N56U
On 7/14/19 bought Ring Pro doorbell on Amazon as a replacement to SkyBell HD that I had for a few years. Skybell will be reinstalled later at a different location.Since I installed Ring Pro, the wireless connectivity from the Router to Ring Pro is very weak (RSS between -79 and -82). Also it disconnected twice since I bought it. Skybell HD did not have this kind of connectivity problems.
I have one router ASUS n56u - not new but still working fine. I’m using 5MHz range.
Router is on the second floor in the middle cabinet room. I would say the distance between the router and Ring Pro approx 25-30 feet. When I stand next to Ring Pro with my IPad Air, which is also connected to the same SSID, speed test on IPad is between 120 to 140Mbps.
I’m thinking that Ring Pro has a weak wireless component inside. Considering the regular price of this doorbell on Amazon at $250 (i bought for $64 during prime day), one would expect premium components inside at least.
Maybe Ring Pro has a problem with Asus routers. I don’t know. The fact that I can get 140Mbps on IPad Air next to Ring Pro is bothering me. I share your pain I have a Ring doorbell pro and 2 x Ring Floodlight cams and they all needed a individual WiFi booster close to their location
so you are correct that Ring products WiFi range is pathetic
unfortunately your only option is to get in touch with Ring support they will probably end up suggesting that you need to get a Ring Chime pro (or another type of WiFi booster) and position it close to the doorbell location I found that my Netgear N300 booster did give a strong RSSI of -44 on 2.4 MHz
I find that the audio on Ring products is also very poor and useless trying to have a conversation it in no way reflects the quality shown on marketing videos
Your other and best option is to return it to Amazon and put it down to experience Have you tried 2.4GHz WiFi at all. 5 GHz is better for speed but way worst for range. The doorbell kept connecting at 5 GHz to my Orbi router but with poor a RSSI and there was no way to force it onto 2.4 GHz
My Netgear N300 WiFi extender is only 2.4 GHz and is now dedicated to the Doorbell Pro that gives the me the strongest RSSI strength
Even though the Orbi was in the room next to my garage I had to buy the Ring Chime Pro extender (designed only to work at 2.4 GHz with Ring products) to get a RSSI of -59 to one of my Ring Floodlight cams Jamie and Lesmor, thank you so much for your comments and help on this!
I could finally connect Ring Pro to 2.4MHz band on Asus and got RSSI -56 (Green) Yay  Hopefully, it will have good connection going forward. I had to change channel bandwidth and other settings on Asus and then it connected to Ring Pro.
So, 30 feet 2.4MHz and no AP/extender works with ASus.
I was contemplating to buy Linksys Velop Triband AC4800 Intelligent Mesh WiFi Router, but this probably will be overkill for house 3300 sq ft.
@Blinchik Glad the comments helped
I ended up buying a cheap Orbi router and satellite to use with my Garden Ring floodlight cam but as I said the Ring doorbell locked onto 5 GHz and I could see no way to force it onto 2.4 GHz so it seems if your Asus stays on 2.4 you should be Ok