darren68uk Publish time 1-12-2019 21:44:12

Sorry to revive this thread
MisterCrease what did you do about the air flow ? , did you reverse one set of fans ? How easy is it if you did do that,

I take it you still have the unit, hows it coping in this heat,I have just bought a besta unit, and my sky Q box melted last night lol,so was searching and came across this thread with renewed interest 

MisterCrease Publish time 1-12-2019 21:44:12

Hi darren68uk.

Correct, I reversed one set of fans to make one intake and one exhaust.

It works really well, the settings on the unit mean that you can either have manual fan speed or set a target temperature, as it approaches that temperature the fans will start to come on progressively stronger as it gets closer to the target.

With regards to how it's coping in this heat, I live in an apartment block 7 floors up so it's absolutely baking at the moment.

However, ambient temperature inside the unit today is 29 degrees C, with the Xbox One X powered off.

I tend to set my target temperature to 45 degrees C, meaning the fans start to come on at 40 degrees C.

With this setting if the Xbox is just idle or watching videos the fans don't come on, but if I play games it will keep the Xbox cool.

The 104 CFM of this particular model is plenty for the size of the Besta unit so it can shift the air fast enough.

darren68uk Publish time 1-12-2019 21:44:12

Hey thanks for the quick reply, and the passing of the knowledge 

My only problem is that the unit is 120cm long with a middle partition,

So my options are as you have done but would have to port holes in the middle bit!

Or can you flip the individual fans in each unit ? So I could have one half of the unit blowing cool and one hot, that would then be on both units so helping both compartments,

Or do you think that would not work ?


MisterCrease Publish time 1-12-2019 21:44:13

You could probably flip the individual fans in the unit if you took it apart a bit more than I did. However, I'm not sure how effective it would be if your intake and exhaust are right next to each other.

You can always just attach more fans (up to 6 total).

I just wanted to get intake on the bottom and exhaust on the top, but the latter would have looked unsightly so went for the side instead. I've then oriented my xbox so the intake fan on the xbox points towards the intake cabinet fan, and the exhaust points towards the exhaust fan.

darren68uk Publish time 1-12-2019 21:44:13

yeah makes sense, will have to work out the cost vs airflow, as basically going to need 4 fans, one each side and two in the bottom of the unit, for bring cool air in, the unit is 10cm off the floor so should be enough , there is the back, but i think the back panel will be too weak/might vibrate from the fans,

ok well im getting in the right direction 

thanks again

darren68uk Publish time 1-12-2019 21:44:14

Just thought I’d update went for the AC Infinity T3 kit and extra S3 fan

Have made the wholes ready for the other 2 S3’s which arrive on Friday,

But the T3 is installed , just need to reverse the fans so both ends have cold coming in at the bottom, and hot out at the top

To be honest as my besta is the shallow version I should of got the S1 fans but it’s done now,
Anyway thanks for all your help @MisterCrease 

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