Keverso Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:49

Is "Smart Life" compatible with "Magic Home Pro"

Hi peeps,

I am just starting to "smartify" my house with some WiFi bulbs. I have seen two different types that I like. One uses Magic Home Pro and the other Smart Life to control them. I was wondering - are these totally different standards or would the bulbs be happy with either app?

If they are interoperable then great ... if not does anyone have any oppinions on what app/family is the better. I'm just starting so would like to get on the right system before I am invested and down the road a bit.

Thanks in advance


mclingo Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:50

it doesnt really matter as you can simply run both apps together and control them seemlessly in alexa/google/ifttt there are some issues with both at the moment which i'm about to post shortly, neither can properly select RGBW white shades any more and I cant work out if AMAZON has forced this on them or its a bug, or they are deliberately downgrading them for some reason.

Keverso Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:51

Yeha - I know I can run both but I am just starting to smartify so may as well get it all on one system as I have the chance. I just figure there will be some things that are available on one system and not the other.

I am not looking to use alexa/google home type stuff (not keen on living next to a hot mic for the rest of my life) so it will just be apps on the phone.

mclingo Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:51

your privacy was lost years ago, no point worrying about it now :}, its gone, might as well just go with the flow now, I couldnt live without my smart stuff now, love it. I have two echo plus in my living room paired for music via plex and radio apps and stuff, an echo dot in my study, space bedroom and music studio. I have an echo in my bedroom too. I have lots of different LED bulbs and strip lights, all working well.

I actually found a work around for the problem, you can now create scenes in the magic home app so you can create a warm white scene and it works using an alexa scene, really happy I discovered that as its fixed all my issues.

Keverso Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:52

I'm not going to worry about it ... but sure as hell not handing my life to "them" on a plate  .

I have quite a low profile (especially for someone who has worked in I.T. for 35 years). No social media, no smart TV ... use Duck Duck Go for searching ... simple stuff but it helps reduce what I leak into the big bad world.

But yeha - just getting into the smart stuff and it seems pretty good. My wife is disabled and looking at all the things it will be able to to to help her seems fantastic.

mclingo Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:52

My parents are elderly, i have just smartened up their home recently they absolutely love Alexa, they now have bulbs, cameras, echo shows and all sorts running, this where it most useful for the elderly and disabled.

chrisfraser05 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:42:52

in an ideal world I'd suggest you look at Z-Wave instead if you are just starting out with a clean sheet.

Out of the two mentioned I'd go with Smart Life though as it gives you LOTS more options for devices.
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