Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:12
After im install python to my windows notebbok all is clearlier.
Web is showing many my switches.  its great!
And working with MH202, (F455 not work).
2018-06-08 18:45:17 Config.websocket_dispatch 0 .res_param_ko at 0x06A47738> '*#1001*0*35#20#2*0##'>[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:17 pushing to [0m
2018-06-08 18:45:17 ('_diag_res_param_ko', {'virt_id': '0', 'index': '20', 'slot': '2', 'val_par': '0'}, 'RES_PARAM_KO')[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:17 ('_diag_res_param_ko', {'virt_id': '0', 'index': '20', 'slot': '2', 'val_par': '0'}, 'RES_PARAM_KO')[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:17 .res_param_ko at 0x06A47738> '*#1001*0*35#20#2*0##'>[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 can't set parameter on a BaseDevice instance[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 FAILED: _diag_res_param_ko {'virt_id': '0', 'index': '20', 'slot': '2', 'val_par': '0'}[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 Config.websocket_dispatch 0 .res_param_ko at 0x06A47738> '*#1001*0*35#20#2*0##'>[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 pushing to [0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 ('_diag_res_param_ko', {'virt_id': '0', 'index': '20', 'slot': '2', 'val_par': '0'}, 'RES_PARAM_KO')[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 ('_diag_res_param_ko', {'virt_id': '0', 'index': '20', 'slot': '2', 'val_par': '0'}, 'RES_PARAM_KO')[0m
2018-06-08 18:45:18 .res_param_ko at 0x06A47738> '*#1001*0*35#20#2*0##'>[0m
Is possible send some command to switch light?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:13
you have a sample for that here :
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:13
I have an error:
...myhomepy-master\myopen\commands>python asyncio_cmd_general_off.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "asyncio_cmd_general_off.py", line 3, in
from .asyncio_base_command import BaseCommand
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__main__.asyncio_base_command'; '__main__' is not a package
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:14
yeah, you can't run this like that... it has to be run as part of automator, for instance as a plugin, or a web command.
see sxpert/myhomepy
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:15
please give me some example. what i can do.
automator must be running and to this i will send web command?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:16
Agreed, I need to spew more documentation, but coding is more fun 
you have automator running, and you curl to the integrated webserver for it to send commands to the automation system
you could also define a plugin (see the plugins directory for samples) that react on a callback (that has to be defined in the configuration)
Sample callback definition :
Code: "callbacks": [ { "condition": { "system": "TEMP_CONTROL", "order": "REPORT_TEMP", "device": { "zone": "1", "sensor": "1" } }, "action": { "plugin": { "module": "temperature", "method": "log_to_database" }, "params": { "table": "temperatures" } } }, { "condition": { "system": "DIAG_LIGHTING", "order": "SCAN_CMD_DIAG_ID", "device": null }, "action": { "plugin": { "module": "test", "method": "test_plugin" }, "params": null } }]
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:16
I now have Alexa obeying voice commands to Open, Close and Stop blinds using natural language like 'Alexa, Open dinning room blinds'
It involved a bit of of fudge due to some BUS/binding/Alexa limitations. End result it works.
I posted more details here if anyone is interested:
New openHAB2 binding ready for testing
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:17
am in the process of re-designing the device configuration mechanism, switching from python based dicts to a sqlite database.
we now have a solid database of products.... (that needs to be filled)
this should simplify the programming code...
All python code is done.
Need to do the javascript side...
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:17
looks like I keep finding bugs in MHS...
when programming a basic probe (type H4693 or equivalent) as a master probe (KO = 184), MyHome_Suite fails to program parameter #26 which seems to be the cooling fan delay.
setting it up to 10mn in the software, I should see a value of 120 in the parameter, and all I see is 0
Code: *1004*9#3245807*0##*#1004*2*1*21*4*2*4##*#1004*2*2*6*0*0##*#1004*2*4*0*0*0*0*0*0##*#1004*2*7*111111111111111101101111##*#1004*2*13*3245807##*#1004*2*30*1*184*0##*#1004*2*32#1*4*2##*1004*4*0##*1004*14#0*0##*#1004*0*#30*1*184##we have heating threshold values (8/9/10)*#1004*0*#35#8#1*2##we have cooling threshold values (28/29/30)*#1004*0*#35#28#1*3##
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:39:18
great advances.
the product database is started and functionnal
I have added TLS support to the integrated webserver (a 4 liner patch - you can use letsencrypt for a cert)
worked a lot on the javascript side, so as to polish the configuration forms for devices...
warning: this may break your existing conf, as lots of things had to change
Edit: now we have a proxy in /myopen/asyncio_own_server.py
this will be able to morph into a gateway of it's own ;-)