I think alexa is a little better at being discreet, I had one and if you say turn off the lights, it does a little beep to acknowledge but google assistant instead shouts OK, TURNING OFF ALL THE DOWNSTAIRS LIGHTS! It was fine for years, then we want on holiday once and came back to find a bunch of bulbs still on. Since then it’s never worked properly.
Has been factory reset, had the new hub installed (a waste of £100) etc and still the same. Hive support have basically given up. Loads of people on their forums complaining about the same thing, so I know I’m not alone in this.
Heating and smart plugs are fine though, never have an issue with them One downside is that if you have a power cut once it is restored all the bulbs turn on
that I don't like
anyway I'm away off thread so hopefully the OP can get back on track I believe you can edit the power on behavior. That equates to £150 for supply and fit, a very good price. I'm assuming this was a limited time deal. Yeah it was, around black Friday time so wouldn't surprise me if there was a similar deal again this Nov. Black Friday is the time to buy. Thanks. It's already beginning to get a bit chilly so I don't want to wait until 29th Nov to buy and then into Dec by the time I've had it fitted.
I think I'll probably go for the Costco deal