Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:17
Well it look like Den is out of the question, they've gone dark on social media, their support site is gone and ordering on the website doesn't work, this could be the end of Den.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:17
I am not surprised. Their product looked horrible (the rounded corners would not blend well with other sockets and switches), they didn't use one of the many industry standards for communication, they added their own proprietary system which need their own hub and their price point was way beyond what they had promised. All in all they set themselves up for failure. Great concept lousy execution
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:17
I didn't mind the styling but that's a personal preference.
It seems like they just got too greedy, I hope someone picks up where they left off and brings out an improved product with the same switching magic but ditches the proprietary protocol.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:17
What level of automation are you looking for on your landing? Does it need to be replacing switches rather than smart bulbs?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:19
I think the problem with smart bulbs in a circulation space is switches - people use them, then disable the smart bulb functionality. Its kind of a standard problem without a cheap easy solution. Den could have cleaned up big time. If somebody re-tooled a HUE switch into a standard UK Light switch (not those nasty 3d printed efforts but made it look much like a UK single gang switch with hue switch innards)they would be on a winner. I feel a project coming on
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:19
That’s why I went with motion sensors to activate my smart bulbs across all my halls, bathroom, toilets etc.
As soon as someone enters the area the light comes on, no-one ever needs to go near the switches as the light is already active before they even think about it.
I personally quite like the 3D printed switch covers and do use them for any areas not controlled by motion sensors but understand they may not be to everyone’s taste.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:20
Everyone has their own preferences. I really don’t like PIR controlled lighting internally. It bugs the hell out of me at work and it is seldom implemented properly. In circulation spaces and windowless rooms it should never turn lights off, it should only ever dim. So many accidents occur where PIRs turn lights off leaving occupants in pitch darkness. Lighting should ideally be controlled by Dual Tech as it should be measuring volumetric or density change as well as movement, but this is harder to do and more expensive.
The only place I want a light to come on automatically when I open a door is the fridge.
[email protected]/png/64/1f923.png
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:20
Controlling lighting by measuring volumetric or density change is beyond me 
The simplicity of Philips Hue motion sensors has been extremely useful to us with two young children in the house (one under the age of 3 who can’t reach a light switch) and two sets of stairs for them to navigate if they wake during the night.
Anyone staying in one of my toilets long enough for the light to go out should probably seek medical attention 
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:21
@Inked it is a personal prejudice, coming from being involved in massive lighting schemes across huge factories and warehouses. I have seen smart lighting done so well that it was mind-blowing (sensor meshes in floors that tracked individuals and only turned on lights in a small cluster above where you are walking) and turned them off behind you on football field size warehouses. Very surreal. Diametrically our local village hall where the windowless toilet turns off the PIR activated light after 3 minutes, leaving you in a cubical with zero visual reference, getting out is like the Krypton Factor.
If you can PIRs work for your home, which you appear to have done, more power to you.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:30:22
That sounds very cool! (The warehouse, not the village hall!)
Now what I really need is the light up floor from the Billie Jean video! 