Dust Control in rooms
Are there compact but effective devices that are not too expensive that are able to reduce dust settling over and around A-V equipment? Addis Super Soft Real Ostrich Feather Duster Bamboo Handle, Natural Finish, Brown/Wood, 5 x 4 x 54 cm: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home  Always thought there was Product opportunity for this, maybe a device that generated a load of static to attract the dust particles in the air.Apart from killing anyone that touched it, there must have been other mitigating factors 
Fabien I am sure that Russ Andrews will have something that uses reverse engineered Klingon technology costing several thousand pounds that does this (allegedly). I guess the only real way to do it is to have some sort of air filtration system either in the room where the equipment is or the whole house. Not cheap. I say something like this on Grand Designs the other week becasue the kids were highly allergic to everything, so air purification was important. Unless you are looking to use your AV whilst wearing a space suit or want to hermetically seal the rooms with hepa filters then simply use a few drops of fabric conditioner in water and use a very well wrung out cloth.The fabric conditioner has anti static ingredients for clothes, it should help avoid the static charge attracting dust to your equipment.you can't eliminate the problem but it will reduce it. You could put a dyson fan with Hepa Filters in close proximity as they are supposed to filter the air I place dehumidifiers in cinema rooms we install. They work well, and are cheap to buy and run. Ha Ha! I meant those plug-in devices that claim to so the job. As I am buying a lot of extensive kit, I thought I'll ask.
But thanks for all the answers If you're that worried put it in a vented cabinet. Never any dust settles on mine as it's inside an enclosed cabinet with 120mm fans.