Anastie Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:47

Hikvision Doorbell Problems - advice please

Hi all
Can anyone advise? We this Hikvision Doorbell professionally installed DS-KB6003-WIP Wi-Fi Video Doorbell-Hikvision Europe.

He also installed a transformer as the previously wired doorbell transformer was to low in power.

The reason we went for this doorbell was it works on the Hikvision app which our home CCTV works from so we thought a good match. The home CCTV is wired so no wifi conflict issues.

The problem is that its useless . To be specific: There is a delay of around 20 seconds when trying to speak to the person ringing the doorbell. The speech constantly breaks up and several times a week the doorbell goes offline and needs reinstalling! I contacted the installer who disappointingly given the excellent service we received with the CCTV is appalling and not bothering to get back to me with any meaningful help. The SkyQ router is in the room above the doorbell so I presume a decent signal.

I've also tried a wifi extender just incase this was the issue, to no avail.

I don't know if it could be a hardware (doorbell) fault or something else. This cost me over £250 with the install so before taking it off and trying a Ring doorbell I wanted to get the thoughts of others on what the issue may be?

Munzz Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:48

The Hik doorbells don’t have the best reputation and appear to not be on the levels of Nest and Ring.

The only thing I can think of is signal strength as it appears to be working, just very laggy. I thought there was an option to hard wire these bells (CAT5/6)? Maybe worth a go.

Anastie Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:49

Thanks for taking the time to reply. The doorbell has no option for any network cable. I may try Ring pro if there significantly better than this.

dbank Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:49

Sounds just like my experience with the Hik Doorbell, huge delay with the app, kept disconnecting, and generally a PITA. I eventually bought a Doorbird,D101S, which whilst expensive does work. Stream is MJPEG and a little nasty, but actually works on 4G most of the time.It also plays well with my Synology surveillance station, connected via POE. Also have the ability to trigger a door lock or siren remotely, which I might hook up one day.

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:50

Although I have Hikvision CCTV this is why I went with a Nest Hello instead of the Hik doorbell.

Anastie Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:51

Firstly apologies for not updating earlier! I had tried so many different things I was literally about to bin it and discovered two things that have made a huge difference. The first.. when setting the bell up it asks you to scan QR code I was scanning the one on the doorbell with my phone which then allowed the app to identify the doorbell. The app would show me a QRcode and ask me to scan it. I was ignoring this step thinking I’ve already done that!!

When I scanned the QRcode the app was showing with the doorbell camera   
The setup completed and the doorbell worked perfectly. I have zero delay, not a single need to reset the doorbell since and I’m now very happy with it.

All because I missed out the step (I suspect the installer did to) of the doorbell camera scanning the QRcode the app showed on my phone.I’ve also plugged in a WiFi extender downstairs but this was done after it was working ok!

dave77 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:52

I presume this doorbell needs mains power, do they do a battery version too that links to Hik NVR's?

Anastie Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:53

Mains power only.

chez1hunts Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:55

Have same CCTV system but went for the Ring door bell, works great

zircon3035 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:25:56

I'm using a Hikvision DS-KB8112-IM doorbell with hard-wired power over Ethernet and it works great. My only criticism is that the documentation is poor, especially if you want to set it up view remotely on the web or via your phone. But it's all sorted now and integrates with the Hikvision NVR and other cameras. I've also bought a DS-KH6320 indoor screen which lets you view the door cam or any of the other cameras. If anyone is thinking of doing the same, I hope I can help.
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