winka45 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:35

Sorry to but in to the thread but wondering if anyone can help.

I currently have no thermostat at all, I just have a combi upstairs with a dial that goes 1-4.
I want a smart thermostat could one be added or do I need existing wires to fit it to?

Also how would it be powered if i have no wires currently,? Would they have to instal wires from boiler to the wall downstairs or find somewhere to plug it in?
So confused atm.

Thanks and sorry again for hijacking

Mr X Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:35

As homes get "smarter" I'd also think about your long term integration aims and what eco-system you want.
I started with the Nest Thermostat (V1then changed that 2 a 2 zone V3) and over time added 4 Protects and 8 Cameras a Nest Hello and now 3 Google Nest Hubs and 1 Google Nest Hub MAX.

Everything plays really nicely together in one App and is so family friendly. Compare that to my mate who is regretting his eco system of Nest/Hive/Ring/Alexa/Google to name but a few. So he is thinking of starting again!

I think all the systems here are equally good but I've also based mine on long term compatibility, range of co-exitsting products for the smart home AND product development.
Just waiting for the Nest Secure (home alarm) to reach these shores to replace my current system.

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:36

I would speak to a Gas registered plumber to come and have a look. It's likely they would need to add a programmer and a thermostat to the system but they will be best placed to advise on what is possible and what is required.

I know I won't be getting Nest cameras, I already have a good Hikvision system. At most I will be getting the Nest Protect with the Thermostats.

I currently have several rooms with Hive bulbs and sensors which works very well, I would likely keep that even if I move away from their thermostats.

27neth Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:36

I have a mixture  for the Nest I have cameras, door bell, and the protects. Google home hubs for the doorbell, but also a couple of Alexa devices. Heating Evohome.                                                               

KayCS Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:37

Anyone else having problems with Hive tonight, tried to turn the lights on early tonight and its no go.

When you try to sign in it says my password is incorrect then when I put the password in manually it says there working on the servers.

What a joke in that you can't turn your lights on because there servers are down. 

Seal420 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:38

Yes same problem.

qwakuk Publish time 1-12-2019 21:23:39

Service was down, but should now be fixed, my stuff is working correctly now
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