wizzbizz Publish time 1-12-2019 21:21:59

russound sms3 repalcement

Hi was lookingfor some advice. My russound sms3 seems to have finally died and I am looking for a cheap replacement. The replacement system needs to work with uno keypads and the cav system. any help would be great

prophead Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:00

Just curious, what does that old dead SMS3 do now.

Linx08 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:01

Prop a door open 

prophead Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:03

It must be completely dead, I have had some luck with these but only from a self support avenue. It usually results in an SMS1 rather than a SMS3.

wizzbizz Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:04

looks like the problem is bulging capacitors.

prophead Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:04

Had one do the same thing.Replaced motherboard with OEM version of the same VIA motherboard.

This results in a single channel version since special mods on the stock board have been done so it can go through the preamp board in the SMS3.

NOTE: Some work would need to be done to get it in the original cabinet.The OEM board has a standard audio connector and a parallel printer port connector.Something to consider if the Power supply is intact and you still have an intact harddisk.

wizzbizz Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:04

where did you get the motherboard?

prophead Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:04

I purchased it from a vendor on Ebay,
I do not remember the vendor but currently an example can be found at Ebay item 400174098016 - this is not my item, I do not know the seller, this seller may not ship to UK, it is only to give you an idea of the MoBo you will need.

VIA-M 10000

wizzbizz Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:05

Come across this one on ebay, do you recon it would do the job

VIA M10000G EPIA Mini-ITX Motherboard NEW,


prophead Publish time 1-12-2019 21:22:05

I think that will work.The photo is a bit difficult to see all, but it is a plus that the audio in/out connector is not installed.I also like the fact that the parallel port is missing.I removed both of these from my oem board so it would go into the SMS3 cabinet.

This would be an exact fit if the picture is accurate.You will need to carefully note (take snapshot) the audio connection wires from your SMS board and put them on this new board using a soldering iron.
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