Autopilot Publish time 1-12-2019 21:21:55

Most of the smaller specialists, like the one you linked to, make thier money from consulting and installation. If you are looking to self install, Amazon is as good a place as any, with stress free returns. If you want to pay for a company to install them I would find a well established local firm.
As for what else you will need will depend on what you want to achieve, and also what camera you are buying. Some cameras record onto a memory card, some have a PVR (hard drive), some upload to the cloud.

Ian_H Publish time 1-12-2019 21:21:56

Looking at a CCTV system myself at the moment but I think I'd avoid Amazon/Ebay for Hikvision gear and stick with retailers that use guaranteed UK sourced stock to avoid any warranty / configuration issues.Google search shows quite a large price range from legit suppliers and I suspect it's possible to haggle when it comes to placing the final order.
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