Followed the guide above provided by @Soulistic and I cant get it to work.
Router is seeing the panel
What am I doing wrong?
many thanks for your help. @y2dom, what is the problem you're facing? If the router can see the panel, and you've followed the instructions, then in theory, it should work. The router sees the powerlink module and has given it the address
But putting details in the app brings up the message "panel in discovery state" .
I have restarted, used different cables , different ip addresses for the connections that are several security firms have given me to try.
I'm beginning to think it's a fault with the module or the router is blocking the link between the power mange server Please can you tell me how you rectified this this is the problem im getting with two units that I have at the moment it's States panel in Discovery I have contacted the techdivision and no one can actually give me the answer so I'm interested to know what you do to rectify it dunstan1 if you have follwed previouslink on the setupand if still not working just re port forwardand reset it will work I will order the Powelink3 and look forward to trying out these instructions. *EDIT*
**I would like to confirm that Soulistic’s instructions work fine.
After doing the router port forwarding and the steps on the Panel it seems you have to wait a while for the Panel iD information to propagate to the server.
After the initial “Panel Is Not Unauthorized” I found the connection started to work itself after a 30minutes or so.
TIP make sure to login with Panel Master Code and not installer/user code **
I only got around to installing the Powerlink module today and wondering if someone can help out.
My panel is Powermaster v18and the Powerlink module is version 3.1
I have installed the module into the panel and assigned it a static IP of which i can ping from a PC.
In my Asus router I have enabled Port forwarding by specifying following:
Service Name----------------Sourc IP---------------------Port Range------------Local IP------------Local Port
I than followed the instructions provided by @Soulistic to configure the panel-
4.COMMUNICATION3:C.S. REPORTING01:REPORT EVENTS = *all backup02:1st RPRT CHAN = Broadband03:2nd RRPT CHAN - Disabled04:3rd RRPT CHAN - Disabled11:RCVR1 ACCOUNT - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)12:RCVR2 ACCOUNT - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)16 RCV1 - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)17 RCV1 - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)21:IP RCVR 1 - RCVR 2 - RPRTPSTN FAIL = do not report
In the Visonic Go App i have put as host address and added the Panel ID with 'Home' as name.
When i than atempt to connnect to the Panel i get "Panel Is Not Authorized" error.
Seems like im being checked for a subscription or i have missed some step.
Are the instructions given by Soulistic still working & valid ?
Any advice would be appreciated