Ianandanne Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:23

Same as your user in panel

kk1992 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:24

i have put in the code for the panel butit say panel in discovery state , i enter the code again then it say too many attemps and lock me outfor 300secs

kk1992 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:25

guys sorted it .i re port forwarded and restarted again and now all working cheers

y2dom Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:26

Hi GuysSorry to jump in here.

Followed the guide above provided by @Soulistic and I cant get it to work.

Router is seeing the panel

What am I doing wrong?

many thanks for your help.

Soulistic Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:27

@y2dom, what is the problem you're facing? If the router can see the panel, and you've followed the instructions, then in theory, it should work.

y2dom Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:28

The router sees the powerlink module and has given it the address

But putting details in the app brings up the message "panel in discovery state" .

I have restarted, used different cables , different ip addresses for the connections that are several security firms have given me to try.

I'm beginning to think it's a fault with the module or the router is blocking the link between the power mange server

Dunstan1 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:29

Please can you tell me how you rectified this this is the problem im getting with two units that I have at the moment it's States panel in Discovery I have contacted the techdivision and no one can actually give me the answer so I'm interested to know what you do to rectify it

kk1992 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:30

dunstan1 if you have follwed previouslink on the setupand if still not working   just re port forwardand reset   it will work

archy121 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:30

I will order the Powelink3 and look forward to trying out these instructions.

archy121 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:20:31

**I would like to confirm that Soulistic’s instructions work fine.
After doing the router port forwarding and the steps on the Panel it seems you have to wait a while for the Panel iD information to propagate to the server.
After the initial “Panel Is Not Unauthorized” I found the connection started to work itself after a 30minutes or so.

TIP make sure to login with Panel Master Code and not installer/user code **

I only got around to installing the Powerlink module today and wondering if someone can help out.

My panel is Powermaster v18and the Powerlink module is version 3.1
I have installed the module into the panel and assigned it a static IP of which i can ping from a PC.

In my Asus router I have enabled Port forwarding by specifying following:

Service Name----------------Sourc IP---------------------Port Range------------Local IP------------Local Port

I than followed the instructions provided by @Soulistic to configure the panel-

4.COMMUNICATION3:C.S. REPORTING01:REPORT EVENTS = *all backup02:1st RPRT CHAN = Broadband03:2nd RRPT CHAN - Disabled04:3rd RRPT CHAN - Disabled11:RCVR1 ACCOUNT - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)12:RCVR2 ACCOUNT - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)16 RCV1 - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)17 RCV1 - CLEAR (Using UNLOCK button)21:IP RCVR 1 - RCVR 2 - RPRTPSTN FAIL = do not report
In the Visonic Go App i have put visonic.tycomonitor.com as host address and added the Panel ID with 'Home' as name.

When i than atempt to connnect to the Panel i get "Panel Is Not Authorized" error.

Seems like im being checked for a subscription or i have missed some step.

Are the instructions given by Soulistic still working & valid ?

Any advice would be appreciated
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