Hue & Homekit
Totally new to Hue and got my first bulbs this week, I think I’m hooked now!I want to setan automated routine that turns on my kids bedroom lights at sunset, only if they are in.
I am using the iPad as the HomeKit hub and when I set a automation on it the options under people are:
When some people are not home
When I am home
When nobody is home
When I am not home
Why isn’t there an option to choose which members of the family it applies to?
Any idea how I would set it up? Do your kids have iPhones?
If so, create a personal automation on their phone in the shortcuts app. Yeah they do have iPhones and have been added to the HomeKit hub family.
I’ll have a look at your suggestion but it seems a shame that the functionality isn’t built into the hub! The hub is for automations that work regardless of who is in, for individual automations It runs directly on the individual device.
I would guess that it’s more accurate at determining whether someone is in the correct location and also keeps the automation from being changed by anyone other than the person it relates to. Ahhhh that makes sense!
Ok I’ll look at it again through a different pair of eyes! Still a little disappointed in this. Or maybe I’m missing something...
Kids need to have ‘Add and Edit Accessories’ enabled you be able to add their own automation. I wouldn’t want them messing about with this but I enabled it anyway to test out. I can add the automation but the ‘People’ section is greyed out and is defaulting to ‘Off’ which means it will happen every day no matter what.
I hope I’m missing something obvious here as at the moment I’m a little disappointed. Ok it was me being an idiot. The daughters phone had location services turned off for Home app. //
Still Lots more to play around with here, like adding a ‘scene’ so the kids can easily turn on/off their lights. It would seem the ‘favourite scenes’ option is family wide And not person specific. Daughters phone should just have her lights and not her brothers on the fave list for example.
Be good to see how others have this setup for their families, I really want this to be as slick as possible otherwise it’s just a waste of money and the wife will not get on board! Are you setting it up via the shortcuts app? Apologies if I’ve misunderstood the issue.
If you click in to each individual accessory and then click on the gear icon you have the option to select / deselect from the favourites list in the home app. No I wasn’t. I was using the ‘Home’ app.
Looking at the shortcuts app and the personal automation options... looks like some amazon capabilities ahead! Cheers