LED Strip Installation
Have had LED Strips installed on a new ~10m retaining wall. The installation approach has been to run tails through the wall at a central point and run two ~5m strips from that point outward toward the ends of the wall. Aside from a hole that was made far too big in order to run the led strips right through the wall this has now been corrected but now the led spacing is weird at the central point and in the dark looks like one or two leds are missing. For me that breaks up the uniformity of the lighting produced but am I being too picky.....? https://www.avforums.com/attachments/fd29ddc2-38b0-4cfe-aad9-23b0c04a95e0-jpeg.1208481/This was before work to correct it but to me there’s still a gap albeit slightly smaller than this.... https://www.avforums.com/attachments/92a0f1cf-9383-4899-ac16-ef85cbc43f17-jpeg.1208483/ Are the LEDs broken or is it a join between two strips? It’s two 5m ish strips radiating out from that central location....so no join, the tails from each go into a junction box on the other side of the wall. That would drive me insane. It spoils the entire effect. Yeh would drive me nuts too. Shouldn't the two strips just need nudging together a bit?
G Which is why I always test fit while the strips are lit when installing strips. I wouldn't accept that gap in my own efforts TBH The only way to rectify that, is overlapping the two strips at that point, or some trailing lobelia.  Have you tried to inform yourself in this led lighting shop? In Led 2 Plus I usually find all the most up-to-date information about led lighting. They are a reference in this sector. Greetings