gavinl1967 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:42

Hive Zones

I have just ordered a Hive (heating and hot water) kit from Amazon in their Black Friday deals.It's to replace a Danfoss controller that, 1. After 2 years I still can't seem to be able to set correctly, and 2, when I do think I've managed to set it correctly, it goes and does its own thing anyway 

However, I've just remembered we have 2 heating zones in the house.Zone 1 - the whole house, except for the master bedroom and en-suite.Zone 2 - master bedroom and en-suite.I'm not quite sure why the builder divided the zones like that, buts that's what we have.

Anyway, I don’t really want to buy another thermostat/controller for 1 room, so is it feasible to run zone 1 via Hive and leave the Danfoss unit to control the bedroom?

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:43

How many valves are there? I am assuming two.

I also assume that the thermostat you bought it for heating and hot water? In which case you'll need another heating only thermostat for the master bedroom. That said, you could just leave the regular thermostat for the master bedroom in your case unless you really want to control it with Hive.

Our house is similar, although it's split downstairs and upstairs. Downstairs does heating and hot water, upstairs is just heating.

gavinl1967 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:44

Thanks for the reply.
Good question.I would have to assume 2 also.
Yes, I bought the kit for heating and hot water (only after noticing I had mistakenly put the heating only one in my basket!).
If Hive controls zone 1, without the need to also replace the regular thermostat in the bedroom (zone 2) with a 'heating only' Hive thermostat then I'm quite happy with that.

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:45

I have had Hive Heating and hot water for 3 years now and have been really happy with the product
but since the introduction of Hive Radiator valves earlier this year Hive have lost all credibility as a company customer complaints are being ignored and the TRV's are not fit for purpose

as I have a lot of money invested in their ecosystem including Hive bulbs and sensors I am having to sit it out in the hope that things improve

All that to say that if you only want Heating and Hot water with the option to add TRV's consider Tado as an alternative

Puntoboy Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:47

I don't have TRVs and that has never bothered me.

I used to have Tado and they Customer Service sounds similar to what people are experiencing with Hive. I'll never go back to them.

gavinl1967 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:48

I can't say TRV's are something that really bother me, its just more to go wrong.

My main reason for giving Hive a go, is to replace the goddam awful Danfoss control unit.It is a nightmare to program, and even when you think you've set it up correctly, the heating and hot water come on at random time when you're not expecting it to 

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:49

I replaced a Danfoss programmer and the Hive app with Total Heating with hot water is definitely better

BAZil Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:50

Had hive for 4 years in my place and love it. Have added 7 hive TRVs and find them great. I essentially now have 7 zones in my house and can heat each one independantly.

Fergal82 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:51

Yes you can control both zones off the hive stat by linking them together. You will lose the ability to control the zones independently as they’ll be linked. The way some houses are zoned means this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

You just need to link the additional zone to the main zone at the wiring centre (airing cupboard)

Fergal82 Publish time 1-12-2019 21:12:52

Ah just re read your question - yes it is
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