ring video doorbell
Hi, I'm thinking of powering my ring video doorbell to the mains via a recommended mains plug/transformer.I have also bought the recommended resistor that sits in series in the negative wire. Its probably a stupid question but... can i literally just split the wire from the transformer and put the resistor in here ? it has been a while since I did mine, but I would just get the ring package and make your life easier.If I recall it correctly the 'resistor' is there to suppress the existing bellbox, so putting directly from the transformer would be wrong.
Seriously, this is a case of Read The Manual  /proxy.php?image=https://smartfortress.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ring-doorbell-satin-nickel.jpg&hash=30868837012e41839ffaaad13470c383&return_error=1 Ring DoorBell Review - Pros and Cons - The truth, was it any good? - SmartFortress.net First Model Ring DoorBell Review The Ring video DoorBell is the first model of Ring, and this smart doorbell lets you answer people at your door remotely a /proxy.php?image=https://smartfortress.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-SmartFortress-01-1-32x32.png&hash=ab8804d6a83a01b3f20ea5124e0b2ba3&return_error=1 smartfortress.net